Studio Work
Pre-Meeting Charts and Graphics
Preparation of pre-meeting materials may or may not preceed a live recording session. When I contract with a client for a live recording session, up to 3 hours of pre-charting services are included in my fee. If there is no live recording session, this is contracted by itself.
You can combine pre-charting with live events. Pre-charts can be big or small, simple or more complex.
If you are having a small meeting or primarily a “working” meeting where small groups are gathering to work together and report out to the larger group, but you’re not having major presentations, you might use one or more of the following:
Agendas can be done in a fun way to include some graphics and possibly some ground rules or desired outcomes to help guide your meeting
Quote Posters
Clients have found these to be helpful in setting the tone of a meeting. They are usually done on flipchart paper, and are fairly short and concise quotes that I work a graphic into and can be posted throughout the room, or referred to at various times within the meeting.
If you’re doing some scenario planning, action planning, or possibly a SWOT analysis as part of your planning for the year, a wall size template for your group to fill in can be very powerful. These can also be created “table size” for small groups to work on—creating a uniform format for reporting back to a larger group. What you use templates for is not limited to any particular type of meeting. Your imagination and our partnering will create the right tools for you to use.
Post Meeting Custom Charts
I do custom charts on request, which may or may not be related to specific meetings or events. I often put together charts and graphics after meetings and events. This work is limited only by your imagination. For example, I have created:
Posters for a trainer to leave in a factory to remind workers how to solve problems.
History timelines to document an organization’s highlights and the dates people became involved.
Presentation charts and posters for people to use in important meetings.
A summary of specialty benefits for an insurance company to use at their annual sales meeting.
A visual chart of a group’s Long Range Plan.
Do you have information as a result of an important meeting but you’re afraid no one will read it? Send it to me, and I will synthesize it into a wall chart or “chunk it down” into more bite size pieces and give it back to you with some graphics to support key points within the material. Why? The graphics will catch the eye of the reader and they’ll want to read about it in more detail.
Have you just had an important meeting where everyone nodded their heads “yes” to taking action or following up on the information, but you’re worried they really won’t?
A great tool to use for this is my ''Action Planning Guide''. This is often used following a meeting where I’ve done live recording, and each chart is followed by a few key action steps for people to commit to. These pages are custom designed for your use, and are a more visual way to help people remember their commitments… and act on them.
This can also be done with information that I summarize from a PowerPoint presentation or word document that you send me. In this case I create a “mini chart” that captures key points, followed by the action pages. In either case you now have a customized booklet for your audience to fill in and to take action on.
Custom Charts
This work is limited only by your imagination.